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El enfoque de Ring acerca de la tecnología de reconocimiento facial
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Ring no usa tecnología de reconocimiento facial en ninguno de sus dispositivos o servicios ni la venderá u ofrecerá a las fuerzas del orden.
"Alexa, muéstrame la puerta principal": Cinco maneras de asegurar tu hogar con Ring
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Con Alexa, puedes utilizar tu voz para establecer temporizadores, agregar elementos a las listas, crear eventos de calendario y recordatorios. Pero...
El Ring Video Doorbell original, reinventado
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Un clásico es un clásico por una razón: se ha probado y es auténtico, fiable, y cumple las expectativas. Sin embargo y cada vez más, un clásico mer...
Las nuevas funciones facilitan el control de los dispositivos Ring con un solo clic en la aplicación
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Tanto si estás empezando a crear tu sistema de seguridad, como si ya dispones de un contorno de seguridad Ring completo en tu hogar, controlar tus ...
Juntos ayudamos al comercio de nuestro barrio
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Fundé Ring con la misión de ayudar a hacer los hogares más seguros y mejores lugares para vivir. Tanto el equipo como yo siempre nos hemos guiado p...
Extra Layers of Security and Control
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At Ring, our mission is to make neighbourhoods safer and we strive to give our customers the peace of mind that comes from knowing their homes are ...
El nuevo Centro de control permite a los clientes de Ring administrar opciones importantes de la configuración de privacidad y seguridad
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At Ring, privacy, security, and customer control are paramount to our mission of making neighbourhoods safer, which is why we’re launching the new ...
Surprise your loved ones with the gift of smart security
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Find the perfect gift this festive season with our diverse range of Video Doorbells and Security Cameras. No matter who you’re shopping for this ho...
Ring’s Services Have Not Been Compromised - Here’s What You Need to Know
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You may have recently seen reports that Ring services have been compromised, and we want to inform you that we have investigated this incident and ...
8 tips to make sure your holiday shopping gets safely to your door
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With all of those packages being delivered, it's more important than ever to take extra steps to make sure you get all of your packages (especially...
Summer security: Keeping your home safe while you’re on holiday
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Summer is almost here. For many people, the change in temperature and lengthening of daylight hours means it’s time for a well-deserved beach holid...
How Ring’s ‘Neighbors’ Creates Safer, More Connected Communities
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Last May, we launched the Neighbors app, a big step toward making security accessible and affordable for everyone. Neighbors is a security solution...